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Subject Information

Prehistoric Archaeology



Claudia Frank

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Library Holdings and Acquisitions

The holdings include general as well as specialized literature on the various research areas of prehistoric archaeology, archaeology of the Middle Ages and of the Modern Age. Reports on archaeological excavations and their discoveries throughout Germany and Europe are available. The current collection foci are aligned with the prevailing profile of university teaching and research with the aim being to continually expand access to electronic content.

Finding and Using

The holdings of subject-specific literature are predominantly located in the Branch Library Steintor-Campus and are completely electronically indexed.

Individual Classification

Books acquired up to 2014 are shelved according to an individual classification system.


Books acquired from 2015 onwards are shelved according to the Regensburger Verbundsklassifikation (RVK).

Collection of Subject-Relevant Links


Electronically available journals of the specific subject are indexed in the Electronic Journals Library (EZB).


The available, subject-relevant databases are listed in the Database Information System (DBIS).

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History and Profiling of the Subject

The subject has a long tradition in Halle, dating back to the appointment of Friederich Karl Hermann Kruse as associate professor in 1821, whose research was focused on the study of ancient archaeological monuments. The traditional focus on prehistory and early history was expanded in 2004 by the establishment of a chair for the archaeology of the Middle Ages and the Modern Age. The subject is represented in its full thematic breadth and encompasses Neolithic research, more recent research areas such as ring ditch research, settlement archaeology as well as related research areas such as astronomy.