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Foyer Exhibitions

Italy in Halle. Deeds of the Morbio collection at ULB

In 1889, the University of Halle bought the collection of documents of the historian Carlo Morbio († 1881) at auction for teaching purposes. The collection is a real treasure trove for the medieval history of northern Italy. However, for over a hundred years it was only known to a small circle of specialists. The ULB has now completely processed and digitized this treasure trove of sources. The exhibition aims to arouse curiosity about this extraordinary collection and invites visitors into the world of diplomatics. On display are facsimiles in original size and much more about the creation and research of medieval documents.

Luther in Love

In the administration building, located at August-Bebel-Str. 13, the result of a group of students’ creative examination of Martin Luther’s pamphlet Ursach und antwort, dass Jungfrauen Klöster göttlich verlassen mögen, published in 1523, was on display.

In this pamphlet Luther explained, on the occasion of the escape of some nuns from the Nimbschen convent, why convent life is only suitable for very few women and the abstinence associated with it even is opposes nature – only to end up marrying one of the apostate nuns himself: Katharina von Bora. The exhibition “Luther in Love” combines information on the cultural-historical context with the content of the provocative pamphlet and additionally drawing parallels to the present.


The Estate of Hermann Gunkel

The “Historical Collections” department of the University and State Library of Saxony-Anhalt, Halle (Saale), offert an insight into its rich holdings as part of a foyer exhibition: the estate of the influential theologian Hermann Gunkel (1862-1932), who was active in Halle for almost two decades, has recently been fully indexed and catalogued in the library. With the help of selected objects, the exhibition provides an overview of the materials, which range from letters and manuscripts to student essays.