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Estates and Autographs

About the collection

The Historical Collections of the ULB contain more than 50 estates of important scientists from the 18th to the 21st century. These often involve correspondence, work manuscripts and personal documents of the estate depositor that could be relevant for research.


In addition, the ULB owns over 700 autographs of about 380 personalities, from Emil Abderhalden to Matthäus Zuber.

Researchable estates

The following list contains estates that are already researchable, can be prepared for consultation in the reading room for historical holdings and are indexed by a detailed repertory:

Estates that cannot be researched

The estates of the following persons or families have not yet been fully indexed and are therefore generally excluded from use:

  • Aaland, Kurt, partial estate (1915-1994), Theologian
  • Böhlig, Alexander, partial estate (1912-1996), Theologian and Orientalist
  • Diesner, Hans-Joachim, partial estate, (1922-1994), Ancient Historian
  • Freydank, Dietrich (1928-1999), Slavist, Linguist and Literary Scholar
  • Handel (18th/19th century), estate of a Theologian family
  • Kaiser, Wolfram (1923-2009), Medical Historian
  • Pietsch, Karl (1860-1930), Romance and Hispanic Scholar
  • Reinecke, Hans Peter (1926-2003), Musicologist
  • Tschizewskij (Tschižewskij), Dimitrij Ivanovič (1894-1977), Slavist, Philosopher
  • Zaunick, Rudolf (1893-1967), Natural Scientist
  • Zech, Carlferdinand (1928-1999), Musicologist, Composer and Choirmaster
Important References
Calliope Association

Certain estates of the ULB as well as some of the autographs are indexed in depth in the Kalliope network, which enables an overall search for individual pieces or persons.

Handwritten Classed Catalogue

For researching the autograph collection, it is advised to additionally consult the handwritten classed catalogue (from sheet 203 onwards) and contact the Department of Historical Collections for further information:


The University Archive as well as the German Oriental Society (Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft, DMG) also keep estates. Estates of the University Archive can be used per request in the archive (contact: Indexed DMG estates can be viewed per request in the ULB in the reading room for historical holdings (contact: