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For borrowing and ordering literature, a valid user ID is indispensable. For researching necessary literature, it is advised to use our very own discovery system Ha:Lit and determine the location and shelf mark of the title. Should a link appropiately called “Order” be displayed in the catalogue, the work has to be ordered from a closed stacks before lending. The provision of titles then will take a maximum of 24 hours on working days. You will be notified by mail as soon as the order is ready for lending, either in a reading room or at a circulation desk.
Loan periods
The loan period for ULB holdings amounts to 29 days.
Interlibrary loans from other libraries are usually lent out for 29 days, if the lending library has not determined otherwise.
Please note: Reference literature (like journal volumes, loose-leaf publications, and other reference works) cannot be borrowed under any circumstances, not even by scientific staff.
Borrowed media can be returned at all lending desks of the library, either at the main lending desk in the Central Library or at all branch libraries.
Any fees incurred (overdue charges, etc.) will be due upon return.
On weekends, it is possible to return items at the lending desks of open branch libraries.
Please note: Returning items by mail works at your own risk.
Send the package to:
ULB Sachsen-Anhalt
August-Bebel-Straße 50
06108 Halle (Saale)
The relevant date of return is the date of receipt in the library.
Should borrowed media still be needed, it is possible to request up to five renewals before the loan period ultimately expires. The available possibilities to do this are as following:
- online via the library catalogue (“library account” on the upper frame)
- exception: also by e-mail
An extension is however not possible if one of the following applies:
- the book has already been reserved by an other user
- the membership (usually lasts one year) has expired
- the maximum amount of charges (10 EUR), before the account is blocked, has been reached
- the maximum number of renewals (5x) has been reached
Should you still need the book after five loan extensions, it is possible re-book it by presenting it at the circulation desk of the corresponding lending library.
Special conditions apply for academic staff members of MLU.
Please note: For interlibrary loans, the conditions of the respective lending library apply. Please address renewal requests to the Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery Team or to the Main Lending Desk at least 4 days before the loan period expires.
If the enclosed orange data carrier already indicates that there is no possibility of renewal, please refrain from any renewal requests.
Already-borrowed media can be reserved using Ha:Lit.
Reserved titles are made available at the specified location (branch library, main lending desk, reading rooms of the central library) for five opening days. You will be informed by e-mail as soon as the title is returned.