State Library
As state library, the ULB Saxony-Anhalt has to comply with plenty of important functions. As such, we collect, index and archive all literature published in and about Saxony-Anhalt, both printed and digitally, as completely as possible. A key role related to this obligation is assumed by the printed and digital deposit copies, which are collected as completely as possible in accordance with §11 of the State Press Act. These are then indexed by the library, listed in supra-regional catalogues, long-term archived and made available for use. The ULB thus functions as an archive library and as a “last resort” in regard to library materials indispensable for the federal state. It also takes care of the regional bibliography of Saxony-Anhalt.

Other focal points include filming, digitising, archiving and presenting Saxony-Anhalt’s written cultural heritage on various online platforms, such as the German Digital Library. In this context, the ULB also supports other cultural institutions in Saxony-Anhalt in cataloguing, indexing and technical implementation of digitisation projects.
The ULB manages the Share_it repository, where qessays for academic qualification, open access publications and special collections such as digitised historical documents and maps are archived. The digital documents deposited there are subject indexed for increased visibility and researchability, partly by using technical procedures such as OCR for full text search.
Furthermore, the ULB continuously makes efforts in regard to conservation and restoration measures for historical and endangered library holdings. By doing this, it makes a significant contribution to the conservation of Saxony-Anhalt’s written cultural heritage.
The ULB also functions as a training library, i.a. for assistants for media and information services. Further, it serves as the only library in Saxony-Anhalt having the integral task of training academic librarians for higher library service.
In addition, there is a wide range of contractually regulated special tasks, such as the operation of the library of the German Oriental Society and the administration of larger depository holdings.
As the lending centre for the GBV libraries in Saxony-Anhalt, it also coordinates interlibrary loans regarding regional and supra-regional lending.
But the most importantly: as a state library, the ULB is open to all users, regardless of university affiliation, and offers them a large portfolio of services, usage options, workstations and regional and supra-regional academic and general information services.