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Digital Licences

Trial Access

The ULB regularly negotiates the option of temporary access to databases and individual e-media for its users. These products can be used either directly logged in the MLU network or via a VPN connection. After the trial period has expired, it is examined by the library whether longer-term access in the form of a licence is reasonable and thus will be acquired.

Gallup Analytics

Trial access until 31.10.2024
An online platform that provides users with access to nearly a century of U.S. data, and nearly two decades of global tracking data, through what is called the Gallup World Poll. The World Poll data is aggregated at the national level, with some pre-determined demographics categories in place as well. The poll includes about 140 countries each year, using the same core items, and allows for consistent trends of global opinion beginning in 2006 and running through to the present. The online platform also includes historical trends at the country and state level for the U.S from 2008-2016. All trends are easily searchable and exportable. Subscribers can view data by demographic categories, compare results across geographies to develop and report findings, including direct citations of Gallup's work. The tool also includes access to 24 years of the Gallup Poll Social Series findings. One can also access the Gallup Brain through a link in order to view nearly a century of findings beginning at the dawn of public opinion research in the U.S. in the 1930’s.

Human Kinetics Library

Trial access 15.10.2024 until 21.11.2024
The Human Kinetics Library offers an authoritative and comprehensive resource for people interested in fitness, exercise, coaching and sport.