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Electronic Resources at the ULB


The University and State Library of Saxony-Anhalt provides access to a wide range of electronic content, such as e-books, electronic journals and specialized databases. These resources can be easily found in our discovery system Ha:Lit.


You can access the licensed content via the university Wi-Fi, for example on site with your own notebooks and tablets in the WLAN, or on the library’s PCs. If you would like to use the services from outside, you can log in via the VPN client and thus gain access to the resources. Further information on VPN and installation can be found on the website of the IT Service Center (ITZ) of Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg.


It is always advisable to use a VPN connection for external searches in the discovery system, as this optimizes the search and retrieval. For detailed information see here.


Lots of success in consulting the electronic resources.

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