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Foyer exibition: Deeds from the Morbio Collection


A new exhibition can be seen in the foyer of the administration building at August-Bebel-Str. 13: “Italy in Halle. Deeds from the Morbio Collection at the ULB”.

In 1889, the University of Halle acquired the collection of documents of the historian Carlo Morbio († 1881) for teaching purposes, which is a real treasure trove for the medieval history of northern Italy. However, for over a hundred years it was only known to a small circle of specialists. The ULB has now completely processed and digitized this treasure trove of sources.

The exhibition aims to arouse curiosity about this extraordinary collection and invites visitors into the world of diplomatics. On display are facsimiles in original size and much more about the creation and research of medieval documents.

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