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Research Data


SADAR stands for “Saxony-Anhalt’s Data Archive and Repository” and is a repository for storing, archiving and, where appropriate, disseminating research data that meet the specific needs of our scientific communities

You can find the repository here.


Research Data

By research data, we mean data generated in the course of the research process or in the context of research projects. Examples include series of measurements, transcripts of interview data, environmental measurements, databases, microscope images, and many more.


In general, it can be said that all data generated as part of a research project is research data.

Distribution Options

With SADAR, we can offer you two distribution options. Regardless of the distribution method, your data is stored in our system for at least ten years.

Closed access storage

  • The dataset is stored in the repository
  • The metadata of the dataset is freely accessible in SADAR (CC0 license)
  • The dataset itself is only accessible in SADAR for selected persons or groups
    • Accessibility conditions can be modified by us at the request of data creators at any time

    • A free SADAR account is required for access
  • The metadata of the dataset is sent to other repositories to increase discoverability

Open access storage

  • The dataset is stored in the repository
  • The metadata of the dataset in SADAR is freely accessible (CC0 license)
  • The dataset itself is freely accessible in SADAR (CC license of your choice)
  • The metadata of the dataset is sent to other repositories to increase discoverability

Basic requirements for a data set

To ensure high data quality, the following conditions should be met:

  • The dataset was generated in the context of research
  • The dataset should be ideally associated with a scientific publication

  • For closed access and embargo submissions, the following points may also apply:
    • The dataset was generated in a project with an industry partner, or the dataset is used for a patent
    • The dataset contains private or sensitive personal data that cannot be easily anonymized
    • An embargo was placed on the dataset as part of the publication process

We reserve the right not to publish all research data.

Submission procedure

1) Ensure the basic legal requirements are met

Depending on the context of the research data, it may contain parts that are not suitable for publication. This may be the case, for example, if the data was generated in a project with industry partners who require confidentiality or if personal rights are affected. Before research data is published, it is therefore important to clarify all possible legal issues and to be able to provide evidence of this during the submission process.

The university offers the following points of contact for clarifying legal questions:

2) Documentation of the dataset

  • A detailed description of your data is very important.

    Without this information, it may be difficult or even impossible to reuse, verify or reproduce your data. Minimum information for research data should include

  • Description of how the data was generated
    • Methodology
    • Hardware + software (exact version)
  • Instructions for reproducing the data generation

 3) Submit a data deposit request

If the basic requirements are met, you can complete our application form to request the publication of your dataset. We will check whether the data match our requirements profile and whether your information is sufficient.

4) Feedback and data transfer

Normally, you will receive feedback within one week as to whether or not your dataset can be published. If the dataset can be published, we will discuss with you how you can transfer your data to us. The transmission method depends on the type and size of the research data.

5) Curation, cataloguing and upload

As soon as we have received your data, we will add it to the library’s K10plus catalogue and upload it to the repository. During this step, your dataset is assigned a DOI. As part of the curation process, changes to the dataset may be necessary, which we will then discuss with you. This process is usually completed within a month. After completion, you will receive a confirmation from us.


If you have any questions about SADAR book a consultation session or write to us: