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Research at the ULB
This site offers information on researching the catalogues pertaining to the researched information with regard to the holdings of the University and State Library of Saxony-Anhalt.
Ha:Lit (Discovery-System)
Ha:Lit, the discovery system of the ULB Saxony-Anhalt, represents a new approach to accessing literature. It is based on the software Lukida and the K10plus Zentral index of the GBV Common Library Network.
In this system are also the holdings of a total of 10 libraries from the Halle-Merseburg local system, the university bibliography, the regional bibliography, as well as the entire Common Union Catalog integrated as well as a large number of licensed databases, eJournals, eBooks and numerous open access offerings. In total, the discovery system has access to over 350 million entries.
Thus providing extensive access to diverse data sources with a single research request and at the same time enabling you to find the most important literature on your topic with only one search.
Please note: Not all databases and eJournals licensed by the ULB are included in Ha:Lit. It serves as a first entry point into research, by which a large number of sources are searched simultaneously to obtain a higher number of hits.
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OPAC (Online-Catalogue)
The online catalogue OPAC completely records all monographic literature as well as journal holdings published in the years between 1501 and 1850 and from 1983 onwards. The monographic literature of the other years is continuously completed. Please also check the image catalogues for the publication years 1851 to 1982 to gain a full picture of our stock.
While holdings of the branch libraries can be taken directly off the shelves at the location, media located in the stacks have be ordered. Therefore, a library account is mandatory. As soon as the titles are retrieved from the stacks and reach the corresponding circulation desk, you are going to be notified by mail.
The image catalogues can be used as a secondary source for searching for literature published between 1851 and 1983. Other publication years are already completely recorded in the electronic catalogues of the ULB. The image catalogues are digitzed images of the conventional card catalogues. Various of these image catalogues are available:
- Alphabetical catalogue of the Central Library split by publication year as following: literature up to 1929 (garter catalog), 1930-1974 and 1975-1990.
- University publications catalogue split by publication year for the time of 1800-1974 and 1975-1990.
- The Central catalogue Saxony-Anhalt split by publication year as following: literature published up to 1974 and 1975-1990 (only listing monographs)
- Keyword catalogue for the time 1945-1990
- Systematic catalogue for the time until 1961 (Hartwig catalog)
In comparison to the OPAC, the search options are more limited. The order of the scanned images in the alphabetical catalogues corresponds to the order in the original catalogues.