You are in the exam phase and are looking for a suitable place to study: The ULB is open as a place to study at numerous locations. Today we are introducing you to the reading rooms in the main building as learning spaces that you may not have thought of before when looking for a place to study. The reading rooms are not far from the Steintor Campus: on one side of the street, at August-Bebel-Str. 50, is the main reading room, where you can browse media from the stacks that cannot be borrowed, such as journals and newspapers (but microforms can also be viewed there on special reading devices).
On the other side of the street, in house number 13, is the reading room for historical holdings and maps. Media published before 1850 can be viewed there, as well as various special media (such as maps, manuscripts, documents and other media from the historical collections).
This reading room can only be accessed using the student/library card. Even if you do not specifically want to work with the holdings, but just need a quiet place to study, the reading rooms offer plenty of space.
Both reading rooms are open during the week until 8 p.m., the main reading room is also open at weekends. Just drop by and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.