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Through the Lockdown thanks to E-Media


If you have not been able to get hold of important study and research literature on time due to the library closures, why not check out our extensive offer of e-media:

The ULB offers you access to a total of around 1.2 million e-books, which are accessible via the university network. Specific e-books are researchable via our discovery system Ha:Lit. Click on the button “Full text” in the respective search result.

In addition, you find an overview of e-book packages purchased or licensed by the ULB in the database information system (DBIS). Simply click on the publishers you are interested in to display the individual e-book packages. In our digital holdings you are able to find textbooks as well as research literature from academic publishers such as Thieme, UTB, deGruyter, C.H. Beck, Brill, Kohlhammer or Springer.

Furthermore, it provides access to more than 26,000 e-journals licensed by the ULB. All titles are indexed in the Ha:Lit discovery system and listed by subject in the Electronic Journals Library (EZB).

We hope that our e-media offer will help you to bridge the time until the reopening of our libraries. If you would like to access our electronic resources from home or via tablet or smartphone, you need a VPN connection. For doing so, instructions are available on the pages of the ITZ of the Martin Luther University.

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