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Train + Consult

Our RDM curriculum

Our research data management (RDM) courses offer participants a chance to get an insight into various topics of research data management. Courses are given by our subject specialists and the members of the open science team who can adapt the courses to cover general or discipline specific topics.


What is the purpose of our training courses?

Whether you need an introduction to RDM or open access, or require specific advice on how to publish your research results in a way that they are visible, or how to find research data, you can book yourself a customized training course with us. Through its OS team and the subject specialists, the ULB has put together a curriculum which covers a variety of topics and is suitable for different audiences.  The courses can be given in German and/or English.

Who can take part?

We offer training for students, postgraduate students, junior and senior scientists and other staff involved in and or responsible for data processing and management duties. Each of these different target groups have different requirements and challenges so the courses can be adapted depending on the requests and specific requirements.   

Which topics are currently covered?

General Topics

  • What is Open Science and why is it important for me?
  • A primer on Research Data Management
  • An introduction to Open Access (OA)
  • Publishing online content

Specific topics

  • The FAIR principles for research data and software
  • What is and how to write a research data management plan?
  • Advice on the use of electronic lab books (ELNs)
  • Tips and support for publishing your research results in OA
  • Legal and data protection aspects considerations for publishing and for working on research projects?
  • Storage and long-term preservation of research data

Training request

Please, send us a request for training via our contact form where you can give us a short description of your training requirements or suggest a specific topic not currently covered in the above list. A member of our staff will get back to you to schedule a consultation where further details can be discussed.