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Branch Library

Branch Library Heide-Süd (Ha 4)

The branch library Heide-Süd is located on the Weinberg/Heide-Süd campus, thus being in the immediate vicinity of Fraunhofer research facilities, the Technology and Start-up Centre (TGZ) and the Max Planck Institute for Microstructure Physics. The premises, which the library moved into in 2009, offer a variety of opportunities for learning, active collaboration, research and advanced training.

Current Information

Online tutorials and materials


It is possible to download the power point presentation from the online library tutorial regarding the branch library Heide-Süd here.


The University and State Library additionally offers a wide range of online tutorials on various topics, which are accessible at any time.


Active Learning Spaces


The branch library Heide-Süd provides several Active Learning Spaces for group work. These are learning spaces equipped with technology, which are open for use without any prior registration. For more detailed information see here.



Information for newly-matriculated students


Subjects / Focus

Click on the links above for more in-depth information.


Branch Library Heide-Süd (Ha 4)

Postal address:

Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Sachsen-Anhalt
Zweigbibliothek Heide-Süd (Ha 4)
06098 Halle (Saale)

Approach by Public Transport: Tram stop Straßburger Weg (lines 2 and 5).


Parking spots available for cars and bicycles.

Opening Hours

Opening Hours of the Branch Library (Ha 4)

  • Mon - Fri 08:00 - 20:00
  • Sat 10:00 - 14:00
  • Sun closed

Subject Specialists

Dr. Gerrit Grenzebach

Mathematics, Physics

Dr. Mirjam Kant

Biochemistry/ Biotechnology, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Pharmacy, Psychology

Martin Scheuplein

Acricultural and Nutritional Sciences, Sports


Usage - Circulation Desks
Medienbearbeitung - Teamleitung Monografien print
Media Processing - Monographs Print
Usage - Circulation Desks
Subject Specialist
Usage - Circulation Desks
Media Processing - Monographs Print
Usage - Circulation Desks
Usage - Circulation Desks

Library Appointee

Dr. Evangelos Papaioannou (Physics)
Dr. Petra Frohberg (Pharmacy)
Prof. Dr.  Kurt Merzweiler (Chemistry)
Julia Ueberall (Sports Science)
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Krieger (Zoology)
Prof. Dr. Nils Waterstraat (Mathematics)
PD Dr. Marcus Lehnert (Geobotany)
Prof. Dr. Hermann Swalve (Agricultural and Nutritional Sciences)
Prof. Dr. Matthias Müller-Hannemann (Computer Science)

Prof. Dr. Sarah Dannemann (Didactics of Biology)
Claudia Bertram (Microbiology)
Alessandra Niephagen (Biochemistry)



"All Gender" and wheelchair-accessible toilets with diaper changing table


No event found!


Working in Individual or Group Spaces

Individual Workrooms (called Carrels)

can be reserved for individual use for a period of 4-8 weeks. Request is possible by handing in the form for awarding an Individual Workroom (Carrel). Applying for the maximum amount of 8 weeks additionally requires proof of the registration for the final exam.

3 Group Study Rooms


PC - Workplaces
Ports for laptops are available
Large Reading Room (on the 3rd floor)
PC Pool/Training Room (also serves as 2nd and smaller Reading Room)


Lounge with Coffee and Snack Vending Machines
Children's Corner
Possibility of Lending Conference Sets

Valuer/ Payment machine


The payment machine is located in the entrance area.


You can use the following cards for the revaluer: EC card, giro card, credit card, debit card, cell phone

Collection Areas

  • Biochemistry/Biotechnology: Enzymes and Proteins, Environmental Analysis, Molecular Modelling
  • Biology: Biology Didactics, Developmental Genetics, Developmental Physiology, Microbiology,
    Molecular Genetics, Plant Genetics, Plant Physiology, Cell Physiology, Plant Ecology,
    Systematics, Biodiversity, Zoology, Entomology, Geobotany
  • Chemistry: General and Inorganic Chemistry, Analytics, Hazardous Substances, Liquid Crystals,
    Colloid and Interface Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Organometallic Chemistry,
    Physical Chemistry, Technologies, Polymer Chemistry
  • Agriculture: Agricultural and Nutritional Sciences, Literature of Related
    Natural Sciences, Economics
  • Mathematics/Computer Science: Analysis, Algebra, Numerics, Optimisation, Didactics
  • Pharmacy: Biopharmacy, Pharmaceutical Biology, Pharmaceutical Chemistry,
    Pharmaceutical Technology
  • Physics: focus on Solid State Physics
  • Sport: focus on Sports Therapy, General Medicine, Psychology
  • Engineering: Mechanical and Thermal Process Engineering, Environmental Protection Engineering,
    Technical Mechanics, Materials Diagnostics/Material Testing, Plastics Technology

Subject-Specific Resources

Note: Some of the following pages are only available in German.

Subject Information Chemistry


Databases and E-Journals:


Subject-Specific Services:


Specialised Societies:


Subject Information Mathematics


Databases and E-Journals:


Information for those interested in Open Science:


Specialised Societies:


Mathematics Museums:


Subject Information Physics


Databases and E-Journals:


Information for Open Science:


Subject-specific services:


Specialised societies: