The Branch Library for Music (Ha 38) was created in 2000 by merging two smaller libraries for musical arts. This fact is still apparent in the different signature systems . The library encompasses musicological and music pedagogical literature, journals as well as a considerable stock of music notes, CDs, CD-ROMs and DVDs.
Current information
Online tutorials and materials It is possible to download the power point presentation from the online library tutorial regarding the branch library Music here.
The University and State Library additionally offers a wide range of online tutorials on various topics, which are accessible at any time.
Historical Musicology (focus on Baroque and Middle Ages) / Systematic Musicology / Music ethnology / Music Education / Instrumental Pedagogy / New Music, Film Music, Rock and Pop Music
The payment machine is located next to the circulation desk.
You can use the following cards for the revaluer: EC card or giro card
Location-specific features
The branch library Music resides in the same building and room as the Music Library belonging to the City Library and the Library of the Händelhaus, all of them at Kleine Marktstr. 5/7. Please be aware, that each of these libraries has differing opening hours, registration formalities, lending conditions and research possibilities.
The Ha 38 is a lending library. Exempted from this regulation are journals, complete editions (shelf mark GA…) and memorial editions (shelf mark DA…), big band music notes (shelf mark MPV/B…), literature older than 100 years (for conservation reasons) and large formats (e.g. conducting scores).