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Subject Information

Classical Archaeology



Claudia Frank

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Library Holdings and Acquisitions

The University and State Library has a historically grown print collection at its disposal covering the full breadth of Classical Archaeology (having a regional focus) as well as containing overall encyclopedias, handbooks, bibliographies, and journals on Antiquity studies. Gaps in the holdings of older literature, stemming from the period after 1945 due to a lack of foreign currency, were largely filled in the time from 1990 onward thanks to public funding, a large number of donations, as well as through professorship budgets. The current collection foci are aligned with the prevailing profile of university teaching, and the aim is to continually expand access to electronic content.

Finding and Using

Titles related to Classical Philology are mainly located in the Branch Library Classical Studies (Ha 26) and are completely electronically indexed.

Individual Classification

The books of the branch library are shelved according to an individual classification system.

Image Catalogues

The Central Library of the ULB also contains primarily older holdings of Classical Studies. For researching these holdings (published between 1850 and 1900), our image catalogues are available as a supplementary research system

Consultation and Training Services

Library introductions, training courses for literature research and literature management systems as well as consultations on publication strategies and research data management take place at regular intervals.


The branch library also offers guided tours for school classes upon request, including the possibility of possibly of combining the the tour with a visit at the Archaeological Museum.


Collection of Subject-Relevant Links


Electronically available journals of the specific subject are indexed in the Electronic Journals Library (EZB).


For researching literature on Classical Archaeology, you can use various subject databases, which can be found by researching the Database Information System (DBIS) of the ULB.

Please remember to activate the VPN connection when searching from outside the university network.

History and Profiling of the Subject

Although Johann Joachim Winckelmann (17171768), who is being considered as the founder of Classical Archaeology, had studied at the University of Halle from 1738 to 1740, at that time though theology, works of antique art were initially primarily viewed in the context of courses on Classical Philology. Finally, in 1843, a separate professorship for Classical Archaeology was established. The initial holdings of the Archaeological Library, since 1891 located in the then newly opened building of the Archaeological Museum on Universitätsplatz, give testimony to that since stemming from this time period. In 1922, the building was renamed Robertinum  in honor of its long-time director, the famous classical archaeologist and philologist Carl Robert (1850-1922). Finally, since 1927, the complex unites literature relating to all disciplines of classical studies.


The main interest of Classical Archaeology lies in the material culture of Greco-Roman antiquity from the end of the Aegean Bronze Age up to the Late Antiquity. The reception of antiquity in the fine arts is also studied. Regionally, research in Halle mainly focuses on Asia Minor as well as the Black Sea region.