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Library Holdings and Acquisitions
The University and State Library has a historically grown print collection at its disposal. Gaps in the holdings of older literature, stemming from the period after 1945, were successfully filled in the years after 1990 by means of generous provisions of funding and targeted acquisitions – from a small seminar library, which contained only about 12,000 books in 1956, a library was hence created that was able to serve current literature needs in the span of a few years. The integration of estates (including those of Weyhe), donations from the British Council, and acquisitions from other institutions (including the holdings of the Center for U.S. Studies of the Leucorea Foundation in Wittenberg, which was dissolved in 2015) have supplemented the ongoing holdings development.
The current collection foci are aligned with the prevailing profile of university teaching, and the aim is to continually expand access to electronic content.
Finding and Using
Titles related to English and American Studies are mainly located in the Branch Library Steintor-Campus. All holdings are completely electronically indexed. Apart from a few exceptions, the holdings can be borrowed freely.
Books acquired up to 2014 are shelved according to an individual classification system.
Books acquired from 2015 onwards are shelved according to the Regensburger Verbundsklassifikation (RVK).
The call number of each title can be researched by using Ha:Lit.
Consultation and Training Services
Library introductions, training courses for literature research and literature management systems as well as consultations on publication strategies and research data management take place at regular intervals.
Collection of Subject-Relevant Links
Electronically available journals of the specific subject are indexed in the Electronic Journals Library (EZB).
There are numerous specialized databases available for researching information. These are researchable via the Database Information System (DBIS).
Please remember to activate the VPN connection when researching outside of reach of the university wifi.
History and Profiling of the Subject
The Institute for English and American Philology at the MLU Halle can look back on a history of almost 150 years. The subject is covered in its entire breadth (including teaching degree programme) represented by five professorships and includes the areas of linguistics and literary studies as well as cultural studies and didactics.