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Subject Information

Japanese Studies



Silke Berndsen

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Library Holdings and Acquisitions

Specialised literature on Japan has first been collected in Halle by the German Orientalist Society (DMG; Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft). By the ULB itself, specialised literature on modern-day Japan has been systematically acquired  since the 1990s, with the establishment of the Seminar for Japanese Studies at the MLU Halle-Wittenberg. The holdings of Japan-related literature, whose expansion was thoroughly supported by Japanese partners, include both original-language publications as well as books written in European languages. The holdings of the collection thematically focus predominantly on the history, politics and society of modern-day Japan (from the mid-19th century onwards). Additionally, there are smaller foci regarding the aspects of prehistory and early history/archaeology as well as the educational system of Japan. Also with regard to the another increasingly important focus on digital Japan studies, the ULB aims to continuously expand access to electronic content.


In the catalogues of the ULB, the internationally acknowledged, modified Hepburn system is used for the transcription of Japanese names and titles.

Finding and Using

Titles related to Japanese Studies are mainly located in the Branch Library Steintor-Campus. All holdings are completely electronically indexed. Apart from a few exceptions, the holdings can be borrowed freely.

Individual Classification

Books acquired up to 2014 are shelved according to an individual classification system implemented by the former (now merged-together) branch libraries.


Books acquired from 2015 onwards are shelved according to the Regensburger Verbundsklassifikation (RVK).

Call Numbers

The call number of each title can be researched by using Ha:Lit.

Collection of Subject-Relevant Links

Subject Portal

CrossAsia is a cooperatively cared-for subject portal providing centralised access to scientific information regarding Asian Studies.


Electronically available journals of the specific subject are indexed in the Electronic Journals Library (EZB).


There are numerous specialized databases available for researching information. These are researchable via the Database Information System (DBIS).

Please remember to activate the VPN connection when researching outside of reach of the university wifi.

History and Profiling of the Subject

The subject of Japanese Studies is offered at the MLU Halle-Wittenberg as a graduate programme and is currently represented by one professorship. A doctoral programme additionally provides further structured doctoral training. Thematically, the studies focus on the history, society and politics of Japan in the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries, as well as on digital Japan research. Teaching as well as scholarly research are carried out in close cooperation with Japanese partners.