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Library Holdings and Acquisitions
The University and State Library of Saxony-Anhalt maintains a historically grown print collection, which generally covers the full breadth of jurisprudence and includes an extensive stock of legal history. The current collection foci are aligned with the prevailing profile of university teaching, and the aim is to continually expand access to electronic content.
Finding and Using
The holdings of literature relating to law are primarily located in the Branch Library Law (Ha 11) and have already been fully electronically indexed since 1991.
The books of the branch library are shelved according to an individual classification system.
The call number of each title in the holdings, which are for the most part (exempt from a few exeptions) freely borrowable, and can be researched by using Ha:Lit.
For researching literature published up to 1990, our image catalogues are available as a supplementary research system; the historical holdings partly follow a specific classification including Roman call numbers (I - XXX).
Consultation and Training Services
Library introductions, training courses for literature research and literature management systems (Citavi, EndNote and Zotero) as well as consultations on publication strategies and research data management take place at regular intervals as well as per request.
Collection of Subject-Relevant Links
The specialised information service for international and interdisciplinary legal research offers various services for the subject. In addition to a digital subject library, a sbject-specific repository as well as a blog & podcast aggregator are also available.
Electronically available journals of the specific subject are indexed in the Electronic Journals Library (EZB).
For researching law-related literature you can use various subject databases, which can be found by researching the Database Information System (DBIS) of the ULB.
History and Profiling of the Subject
The subject of Law has a long tradition at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg. Detailed information on the legal tradition in Halle are to be found here. Scholastic research is aligned with the structure-forming profile lines “International Business Law”, “Medicine, Ethics, Law”, “Digitisation and Law” as well as “Foundations of Law and Social Cohesion”.