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Subject Information




Dr. Mirjam Kant

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Finding and Using

Printed works relating to the Subject of Pharmacy are primarily located in the Branch Library Heide-Süd (Ha 4). Older holdings are shelved in stacks and therefore only accessible for use in the reading room. The holdings as well as their locations can be researched via the ULB catalogues.

Current literature is largely obtained electronically (e-books, e-journals, databases) and thus is accessible within the university wifi or via VPN. Here, too, the ULB catalogues provide an entry point for research and access.

Consultation and Training Services

Training courses on library use as well as research for literature and databases and literature management systems are held on a regular basis. Current information on these events can be found at Train + Consult as well as Stud.IP. In addition, the library offers advisory services on open science and research data management.

Collection of Subject-Relevant Links


Electronically available journals of the specific subject are indexed in the Electronic Journals Library (EZB).
Chemistry und Pharmacy
Search for the Keyword Pharmacy


For researching subject-specific literature you can use various databases, which can be found by researching the Database Information System (DBIS) of the ULB.

Subject-Specific Services

NFDI4Chem – Research Data Management in Chemistry
NFDI4Microbiota – National Research Data Infrastructure for Microbiota Research
Daphne4NFDI – DAta from PHoton and NEutron Experiments

Please remember to activate the VPN connection when researching outside of reach of the university wifi.

History and Profiling of the Subject

The subject of Pharmacy has existed at the MLU since its foundation (both in Wittenberg and Halle). Initially still part of the subject of medicine, the subject was independently professionalised in the 19th century. The first chair of pharmacology and pharmacy was established in Halle in 1817. Although it was again incorporated into chemistry in the second half of the 19th century, the subject was nevertheless able to develop further. From 1864, the allowance was granted for the subject to set up its own examination board. Since the etablishment of the examination regulations of 1875, it is possible to speak of pharmacology as being formally established. In 1921, the subject was given equal status to other academic subjects. After the First World War, Kurt Mothes extraordinarily contributed to the subject. The “Halle School”, an experimentally oriented bioscientific orientation of the subject,which was founded by him, is also reflected in the current structure of the subject.


The Institute of Pharmacy is currently represented by 12 professorships and includes the following areas: Pharmaceutical Biology and Pharmacology, Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmacy, and Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Clinical Pharmacy.


In addition to the Pharmacy degree programme (state examination), the Institute offers an English-language and internationally oriented Master’s degree programme in Pharmaceutical and Industrial Biotechnology. There are overlaps as well as cooperations with the subjects of biochemistry and biochemical technology, biology, chemistry, physics and medicine.