Research data and results should be accessible and available to all. The goal of Open Science is to enable free access to knowledge and to increase the traceability and credibility of science.
The ULB Saxony-Anhalt’s Open Science team works closely with the university management and other internal institutions to shape the MLU’s OS strategy and framework. Our mission is to support our scientific communities by providing and hosting an infrastructure to publish scientific results and to offer advice and support on a wide range of OS topics, from research data management to open access publishing, legal aspects, storage and long-term archiving of research data and software, etc. Support is offered in the form of specific training, workshops and individual consultations, as well as by the provision of specific technical information. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us directly.
Open Access and Research Data Repository
Our repositories at the ULB Saxony-Anhalt make the research results of MLU and our university partners in the state of Saxony-Anhalt available in compliance with recognized quality standards. At the same time, it ensures the permanent preservation, retrievability and citability of these objects. We offer various repositories for different purposes. You can find an overview here: