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For Students
Whether regarding research or literature management systems, regarding subject-specific databases or knowledge management during your studies: Here we compiled a collection of courses that are addressed directly to you as student. Thank you for your interest. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at
You can also find information specifically about the start of the semester and the beginning of your studies on this page (the information follows the course overview).
Overview of Helpful Informations for the Start of the Semester
We welcome you to the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg and thank you for your interest in the University and State Library.
Around every start of semester, there are numerous events offered by the library, where you will receive important information about the start of the semester. The dates for each event are listed in the events overview. Numerous library events are available in the events calendar. The six current dates are listed here. For more dates, please go to All Events. In many subject areas, you will receive further information about the library during the general introductory events and/or during tutorials.
At the beginning of the lecture period, a general introduction course will take place (you will find the information in the event overview at the given time) to help you getting introduced to the library.
Frequently asked questions, commonly asked around the start of your studies, for example about borrowing books or the opening hours of the individual library locations, are to be found here.
Helpful information, for example on the research tool Ha:Lit, are also available via online tutorials.
During your research, you will certainly come across electronic resources which, for licensing reasons, can only be consulted within the reach of university wifi. Consulting such literature outside of reach of the university wifi as a student is also possible by using a Virtual Private Network (VPN). Detailed information on this topic is to be found here.