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Reference Management Systems
When working scientifically with literature, you have to keep track of everything. Reference management programs can support this.
These softwares makes it possible to systematically collect and manage bibliographic information and, if available, full texts in a database. With such a program, reference records can be sourced from various sources such as library catalogues, subject databases and websites. By integrating the software into text programs, the creation of citations and footnotes is supported electronically. Furthermore, bibliographies can be created automatically. Numerous citation styles are available for this purpose, which can be adapted as required.
For those interested, the ULB offers regular training courses for the programs Citavi, EndNote and Zotero. In addition, the training team will gladly answer questions about using Mendeley. In these traning courses, you will learn everything about the basic use, but also about the special features of the programs. Among other things, the courses cover:
- Downloading and installing the program
- Possibilities of importing data from library catalogues and databases
- Linking between database and text documents
- Output of documents in different citation styles and creation of bibliographies
- Data export
- Task planning
- Knowledge organization, e.g. structured filing of citations, comments, etc.
Always adhere to the copyright law and license terms while using the software. It is not allowed to share licensed full texts via these programs with other persons than university members. Here you can find general information on this topic.
For a first overview, we have summarized basic information about the individual programs on the sites linked below.
If you have any questions about the literature management programs or encounter problems using them, our staff will be happy to help you.