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Subject Information

Educational Sciences



Dr. des Silke Berndsen

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Dr. Maria Safenreiter

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Here you find the contact information of the above-mentioned person.

Library Holdings and Acquisitions

The University and State Library of Saxony-Anhalt maintains a historically grown print collection consisting of research literature, educational and textbooks, as well as a large collection of educational and psychological journals covering the different areas of educational studies. The current collection foci are aligned with the prevailing profile of university teaching and research of the individual chairs and ,additionally, relate to the didactics of elementary school subjects. Continuous expansion of access to electronic content is being pursued. On the first floor of the branch library, an area specifically dedicated to children’s and young adult’s literature with seat possibilities and a reading counter, is located. There, students are provided with a broad and diverse range of books for children and young adults, offering suggestions for what to read with pupils whilst enabling the students to critically reflect on the content of the books and to deal with them in a scientific manner based on their training.


The library also maintains the archive for children’s texts “Eva Maria Kohl”. It encompasses approximately 100,000 texts written by children and young people over the past 100 years.

Finding and Using

Titles related to the subject-specific study areas of educational sciences are predominantly located in the Branch Library Franckeplatz (house 31) and are fully indexed in the ULB’s electronic catalogue. With a few exceptions, the holdings are predominantly for lend. Please be aware, that some literature, especially regarding the areas of psychology and the individual subject-related didactics, are also shelvedin the Branch Library Steintor-Campus.

Individual Classification

The books of the branch library are shelved according to an individual classification system, which is currently being revised.

Call Numbers

These can be identified by using the discovery system Ha:Lit or the OPAC.

Collection of Subject-Relevant Links


Electronically available journals of the specific subject are indexed and sorted by subject in the Electronic Journals Library (EZB).


There are numerous specialized databases available for researching literature regarding media and communication sciences. These are sorted by subject as well as researchable via the Database Information System (DBIS).

Please remember to activate the VPN connection when researching outside of reach of the university wifi.

History and Profiling of the Subject

Both the department for Educational Sciences as well as their library are located on the grounds of the Francke Foundations in House 31, thus following up on the tradition, both location and content-wise, established by the founder August Herrmann Francke. The subject in Halle exhibits a broadly diversified as well as recognized research landscape, with the focus being on childhood and youth research, the pedagogical profession, institutions of education and social welfare, pedagogical interaction, cultural studies of education, as well as prevention, rehabilitation and health.


The research portfolio of Educational Studies  also includes a learning workshop along with tools, books, and equipment, all  barrier-free.


Educational Studies are available for studying both, in an undergraduate degree programme as well as a graduate degree programme.