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Library Holdings and Acquisitions
The University and State Library of Saxony-Anhalt maintains a historically grown print collection covering the various areas of media and communication sciences. The current collection foci are aligned with the prevailing profile of university teaching and research of the individual chairs. Continuous expansion of access to electronic content is being pursued. An extensive collection of DVDs relating to the subject completes the collection.
Finding and Using
Titles related to the subject-specific study areas of media and educational sciences are predominantly located in the Branch Library Franckeplatz (Ha 10) and are fully indexed in the ULB’s electronic catalogue. With a few exceptions, the holdings are predominantly for lend. Please be aware, that the DVDs being part of the collection oftentimes have a shorter loan period than usual.
The books of the branch library are shelved according to an individual classification system.
These can be identified by using the discovery system Ha:Lit or the OPAC.
Consultation and Training Services
Library introductions, training courses for literature research and literature management systems as well as consultations on publication strategies and research data management take place at regular intervals.
Collection of Subject-Relevant Links
Electronically available journals of the specific subject are indexed and sorted by subject in the Electronic Journals Library (EZB).
There are numerous specialized databases available for researching literature regarding media and communication sciences. These are sorted by subject as well as researchable via the Database Information System (DBIS).
Please remember to activate the VPN connection when researching outside of reach of the university wifi.
History and Profiling of the Subject
The Department of Media and Communication Sciences is primarily located in the Mitteldeutsches Multimediazentrum (MMZ; Central German multimedia centre), which accommodates the institute as well as, among others, several production companies and agencies, whilst being in the vicinity of the Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk (MDR; Central German Broadcasting Company) – Location Halle. Thus, the location strongly supports the aspired link between theory and practice. The subject is represented by four professorships with their research focus being on music and media/sound studies, media and digital cultures, science communication, and production studies/media industries.
Media and Communication Sciences is available for studying in one undergraduate programme as well as three graduate programmes (namely: Cultures of the Enlightenment, Media and Communication Studies, and Multimedia and Authorship).