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Library Holdings and Acquisitions
Due to the long tradition of the subject at MLU, the library has an extensive old stock of sports literature. This collection has been supplemented in the course of the last decades by modern literature. The main focus of acquisition lies in the on sports pedagogy and sports practice. Books on all kinds of sports are provided. Other subject areas included in the collection are literature on sports psychology, sports medicine as well as the subject area of sports & nutrition.
Finding and Using
Specialized literature on sports is mainly located in the Branch Library Heide Süd. More recent literature is shelved according to the RVK, whilst older holdings are shelved according to an individual classification system.
Consultation and Training Services
Library introductions, training courses for literature research and literature management systems as well as consultations on publication strategies and research data management take place at regular intervals.
Collection of Subject-Relevant Links
Electronically available journals of the specific subject are indexed in the Electronic Journals Library (EZB).
There are various subject databases available for researching subject-specific literature. Those are indexed in the ULB's Database Information System (DBIS).
Please remember to activate the VPN connection when researching outside of reach of the university wifi.
History and Profiling of the Subject
The education of students in academic physical exercises started as early as 1694, with the foundation of the Friedrichs University Halle Back then, these exercises served as military training as well as to improve the mobility of the scholars, but were at the same time part of the studies. Especially the subjects of riding, vaulting and fencing are documented as physical exercises for this period. The first chair of physical education was established for the winter semester of 1924/25. The main objective of the new institute was to ensure the physical fitness and military training of young men. Even during the existence of the GDR, the contents of the “Institute for Physical Education”, which was re-founded in 1948, were strongly politicized.
It was just after the downfall of communism, in 1991, that an Institute for Sports Sciences was formed, in which a course of study for sports in prevention, rehabilitation and therapy was set up in addition to the usual training for sports teaching at various class levels. However, this course was discontinued after a few years. Today, the Institute of Sports Sciences at MLU continues to educate sports teachers. Additionally, the master’s degree programs “Applied Sports Psychology” and “Sports & Nutrition” were added to the curriculum, both of them unique in Germany.