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Subject Information

Theology/Religious Studies



Silke Berndsen

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Library Holdings and Acquisitions

The University and State Library of Saxony-Anhalt maintains a historically grown print collection. The Branch Library Franckeplatz  covers the entire spectrum of theology and religious studies, including the specialised fields of Christian Archaeology, Denominational Studies of the Orthodox Church, and Jewish Studies. In addition, there are the sub-collections of Biblical Studies (House 25) and Esotericism (House 30), which are shelved outside of the branch library premises. The current collection foci are aligned with the prevailing profile of university teaching, and the aim is to continually expand access to electronic content.

Finding and Using

Titles related to theology are predominantly located in the Branch Library Franckeplatz (Ha 10) and are fully indexed in the ULB’s electronic catalogue (if necessary in scientific transcription). With a few exceptions, the holdings are predominantly for lend. 

Individual Classification

The books of the branch library are shelved according to an individual classification system.

Call Numbers

These can be identified by using the discovery system Ha:Lit, our most up-to-date system for researching and ordering literature.

Research and Ordering System

The OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue) as our original instrument for research and ordering can be used too .

Collection of Subject-Relevant Links


Electronically available journals of the specific subject are indexed in the Electronic Journals Library (EZB).


There are numerous specialized databases available for researching information. These are researchable via the Database Information System (DBIS).

Please remember to activate the VPN connection when researching outside of reach of the university wifi.


History and Profiling of the Subject

The study of theology has a long tradition in Halle. Notable theologians, who worked in Halle, include August Hermann Francke, Johann Salomo Semler, Friedrich Schleiermacher, Wilhelm Gesenius, August Tholuck, Friedrich Loofs and Otto Eißfeldt. Above all, however, Martin Luther and Philipp Melanchthon, as central figures of the Reformation, are among the former professors of our faculty. The main research areas include the Corpus Hellenisticum, Old Testament text research, Palestine studies, Eastern Church studies, Christian archaeology and ecclesiastical art, medical ethics, ecclesiastical and state church law, the Research Centre for Religious Communication and Learning Processes, the Network of Excellence “Enlightenment – Religion – Knowledge”, etc.